Associated Student Body Accounts

Section: IV. ADSV-411
Approved By: Dr. Pamela J. Transue, 6/27/11
Last Review: 6/27/11
Last Revision: 6/27/11
Prior Revisions:
Initial Adoption: unknown


The College shall maintain budgetary control over all funds received and distributed by and for students and student activity purposes.


The purpose of this policy is to establish the operating procedure for the accounting and use of Associated Student Body Accounts.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

This policy applies to the Associated Student Body, Budget Managers, Accounting Managers, and Student Services Administrators.


RCW 28B.15.041




Accounting of Funds

The annual tentative budget shall be approved by the Board no later than its June meeting.

A separate fund will be established to account for this revenue. It will be titled “Associated Students of Tacoma Community Fund” All moneys generated by service and activities fees and their associated activities will be deposited into this fund.

This fund will be maintained by the College Business Office as an Associated Students of Tacoma Community College Operating Fund.

Use of Funds

With the expressed prior approval of the State Board and, when required, approval of the appropriate legislative body, services and activities fee revenue may be used to acquire real property and fund capital projects and may be used as matching funds for such purposes.

When authorized and approved in a manner consistent with these guidelines, student services and activities fee revenue may be used for, but shall not be limited to, the additional following purposes:

  1. Social events, seminars, workshops, retreats, and conferences; student governmental organizations; professional consulting fees; clubs and societies; musical, dramatic, artistic and forensic presentations of an extracurricular nature; student publications and other mass media activities; tutorial services; day care centers; intramural and intercollegiate sports.
  2. Equipment, supplies and materials required for the operations of student programs and activities.
  3. Travel and per diem for students and professional staff members participating in student programs and activities.
  4. Premiums for liability and casualty insurance coverage for students serving in official capacities or participating in such programs and activities.
  5. Dues for institutional memberships in recognized student governmental or activities organizations provided that the legality of such expenditures is first established in consultation with the legal advisor of the college.
  6. Student salaries and compensation.
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